RBC Wealth Management: Digital Transformation for Enhanced Engagement

RBC Wealth Management: Digital Transformation for Enhanced Engagement

Case Study

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The Challenge:

RBC Wealth Management aimed to implement a new digital strategy to enhance engagement between advisors, clients, and prospects, and to improve recruitment through digital means. Their existing software platform was inadequate for their strategic needs, prompting the search for a new solution. The key requirements were:

  • Support financial advisors in growing their online presence
  • Offer a flexible website solution with various templates
  • Partner for continuous improvement and product roadmap visibility
  • Reduce the need for technical support

Royal Bank of Canada Wealth Management provides a comprehensive suite of banking, investment, asset management, trust, insurance, credit/lending, and other wealth management solutions. It is one of the world’s top 5 wealth managers, managing $944 billion in assets.


RBC Wealth Management partnered with Veriday, leveraging their forward-thinking approach and software platform, Digital Agent. This content marketing platform was selected to elevate RBC’s digital engagement. Key deliverables included:

  • Mobile-responsive websites for 3000+ branches and advisor practices
  • Six unique multilingual templates within a cohesive digital brand
  • A multi-stage approval process tailored to enterprise business rules
  • Real-time advisor search feature on the corporate website
  • A Marketing Library with pre-approved corporate content
  • Lead-based form submissions


Veriday significantly accelerated RBC’s digital transformation, successfully migrating 3000+ websites in under eight months. This project delivered high advisor satisfaction ratings across North America. Post-implementation results included:

  • High active usage with over 6000 content submissions per month
  • An increasing number of bloggers within the advisor community

RBC Wealth Management’s partnership with Veriday facilitated a robust digital engagement platform, supporting their strategic goals and enhancing their overall digital presence.

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